Cloudmore 3.85 Release Notes

We released Cloudmore 3.85 on 22 September 2022. Here are the updates from this release:

New/Updated Features

Billing Report Improvements: We made the following improvements in the Billing Reports at the broker level:

  • The filter option to display prices for either Broker or Organization (refer to the screenshot below) has been removed as it's more effective to show both cost and sales prices in the billing report. 


  • The filter option to view reports for Service or Vendor has been removed and the data will be shown for selected Services only.

To avoid multiple billing report scheduling accidents, we have disabled the report scheduling button after the first scheduling has been done. This is accompanied by a success message to reassure that the report has been successfully scheduled.

Price List UI changes: We made significant changes in the Price List functionality to improve the clarity of the UI terms and workflows.

  • It is now possible to search across all product groups for the Microsoft 365 CSP Direct service

  • More clear differentiation between the price types (sales price, suggested price, cost price)

  • Added the Margin column on the Seller layer

  • Alphabetic ordering by service name in the service dropdown

  • Resetting the price to default functionality is now more clear and consistent

  • Implemented a restriction, so it’s not possible to set negative prices on custom service products or add-ons

API Changes

  • Added an optional parameter includeInactiveProducts to API requests:

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/organizations/{organizationId}/services/csp/nce/products

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/{serviceId}/pricelist

  • Removed the “O1TIER-” prefix from the NCE item codes from all API responses that include NCE products

  • Implemented a logic of including the Azure Entitlement Purchase Order Number



Container PO Number IS NULL

Container PO Number is NOT NULL

Entitlement PO Number IS NULL


Container PO Number

Entitlement PO Number is NOT NULL

Entitlement PO Number

Entitlement PO Number

  • …to the following API calls:

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/organizations/{organizationId}/services/azureplan/subscriptions/{id}

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/organizations/{organizationId}/services/azureplan/subscriptions

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/services/azure/Subscriptions

  • …and to the following exports:

    • Organization level Azure subscriptions export

    • Broker level Azure subscriptions export

    • Broker level on-demand billing report export

Issues/bugs fixes

  • Fixed organization level general billing report loading issue

  • Fixed the issue where cloning a product didn’t copy the grace period / pro-rated billing setting