Cloudmore 3.92 Release Notes

We released Cloudmore 3.92 on 2 December 2022. here are the updates from this release:


  • We completed the translations for the Azure Reserved Instances section in the Cloudmore platform.
  • We improved the consistency of UI terms in the General Billing Report.

API Updates

  • Added poNumber to the API responses:

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/reports/MonthlyBillingPerOrganization

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/reports/MonthlyBillingPerService

  • Added subscriptionId and orgId to the API responses:

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/reports/MonthlyBillingPerService

  • Added Microsoft invoice number for API responses:

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/azurereports/MonthlyBillingPerOrganization

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/azurereports/AzureOneTimeInvoice/{taskId}

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/cspreports/MonthlyBillingPerOrganization

    • GET /api/resellers/{resellerId}/billing/azurereports/AzureOneTimeInvoice/{taskId}

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed the issue where scheduled subscription doesn’t update after the renewal request approval

  • Fixed the issue where subscription was not upgraded even though approval process was approved

  • Fixed API error for Seller level consumption request

  • Fixed Seller level API security issues

  • Fixed issues with organization mass import via CSV

  • Fixed the issue for reseller level subscriptions export