How do I set an Azure Spending Budget?

Help your customers to manage their budgets by setting Azure spending limits that are easy to track and control.

Cloudmore enables you to:

  • Set up multiple e-mail notifications to advise customers where they are with their percentage spend.
  • Suspend a subscription once 100% of the spending budget has been reached.

Please note that suspension may result in service disruption, downtime or data loss. Budgets can be adjusted at any stage and can be set against organizations and individual subscriptions.

Follow the instructions below to set up your Azure spending limits:

Apply a budget to an organization

1. Select an organization to set a spending limit

  • Navigate to the Broker menu, then click on My services.
  • Locate Azure under Services.
  • Go to the Spending Budget option on the overview screen.
  • Select an organization from the drop-down.


2. Enable and set the Azure budget against the organization

  • Scroll down to the section headed Organization budget.
  • Check Enable Organization budget.
  • Enter the required annual budget for the Azure service in the box.


3. Choose the notification levels

  • Scroll to the Notification levels option and select one or multiple percentage levels from the drop-down to trigger an email notification for each level.


4. Enter the e-mail recipients for your budget notifications

  • Enter one or multiple email addresses for individuals or teams who require a notification to be sent once each budget level has been reached.
  • The e-mail addresses should be separated using a semicolon.


5. Suspend subscriptions (optional)

  • Check Suspend all subscriptions to suspend subscriptions that have reached the 100% budget level.
  • This may result in service disruption, downtime, or data loss. Budgets can be adjusted at any stage.
  • Uncheck Suspend all subscriptions or increase the Azure Budget above the 100% limit to restore services.


6. Update the Azure spending budget

  • Press Update to apply the budget parameters.

7. Apply a budget to a subscription

  • Scroll to the Subscription Status section on the Azure spending budget screen.
  • Select a subscription to activate or amend the details by clicking on the Actions key, then on Budget.


  • Check the Enable budget box and enter the required Budget
  • Follow steps 3 and 4 above to set the Notification levels and the Suspend option, if required.


8: Update the Azure subscription budget

  • Press Save to apply the budget parameters.
  • Active subscription budgets are displayed in the Subscription status section of the Azure spending budget screen.
