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  3. Subscription Management

Upgrade NCE Subscription on Cloudmore

Learn how and when to perform full and partial upgrades to new or existing NCE seat-based subscriptions.

As businesses evolve, they often require adjustments - whether it's scaling operations up or down, integrating more advanced features, or consolidating services to streamline operations.

To address these needs without completely overhauling the existing subscription setup, Microsoft NCE allows customers to upgrade an ongoing subscription to a higher-level product, or just transfer some of the licences from one subscription to another higher-level subscription. The product levels for upgrade are pre-defined by Microsoft.

Note: upgrade action is irrevesible! The 7-day cancellation window does not apply to upgrades, so it is not possible to immediately cancel the new subscription or reduce seats of an existing one. 

To upgrade your subscription to another product:

  1. On the Organisation level, navigate to Microsoft 365 CSP Direct service - Subscriptions.
  2. Locate the subscription you want to upgrade and click the Actions dropdown to the right of the subscription.
  3. Select Upgrade from the dropdown.
    This will open an upgrade modal window with all of the extended upgrade steps.
  4. First, you need to select a product that you wish to upgrade to. Similar to buying a new subscription, you’ll see product description to make sure the choice is right.

    Upgrade NCE subscription step 1
  5. After the product is selected, you’ll need to choose the destination subscription. Depending on your setup, the choice might include:
    1. New subscription - select this option is you’d like to create a separate subscription for the upgraded licences. If you do a full upgrade to a new subscription, your subscription will retain the same subscription ID.
    2. Existing subscription(s) - select if you already have a higher-level subscription where you want to transfer the licences

      Upgrade NCE subscription step 2
  6. The last step is to specify the upgrade details:
    1. Number of licences to upgrade
    2. Subscription length
    3. Payment frequency

      Upgrade NCE subscription step 3
  7. Click Upgrade.
    Your changes will be applied within 10 minutes, but sometimes it takes up to an hour on the Microsoft side to process the request.

Note that if you upgrade only part of the licences, you’ll have to reassign them to users manually. If it’s a full upgrade, the licences will be reassigned automatically.

Sometimes it is not possible to upgrade to an existing subscription. It happens when:

  • destination subscription is in the 7-day cancellation window

  • current subscription's term duration is shorter than the destination subscription's term duration

  • destination subscription's end date is later the end date of the current subscription