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Coterminosity - Align CSP Subscription End Dates in Cloudmore

End Date Alignment, or Coterminosity, is the Microsoft functionality that allows you to align all subscriptions under an end-user organisation to a single renewal date, no matter the term.

Coterminosity makes it much easier to manage renewals at the end-user organisation level and reduces operational complexity.

When aligning end dates, you can choose one of the following options:

  • No alignment - subscription will run and be billed for the full term, independently of other subscriptions' lengths and end dates.

  • Align with the last day of the calendar month - the subscription will end on the last day of the calendar month, closest to the projected end date if no alignment happened, but not exceeding it. Billing charges will be prorated accordingly.

  • Align with the end date of an existing active subscription - the subscription will end on the same day as the subscription you choose to align to. Billing charges will be prorated accordingly.

To align the end date when adding a new subscription:

  1. Navigate to one of your organisations to create a new NCE subscription.

  2. In the Create New Commerce Experience window, find the End Date Alignment dropdown.

New_Subscription (1) 

3. Select one of the alignment options:

Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 15.27.00

4. After creation, subscription end date will be aligned accordingly, so it will end or renew at the specified date.

To align the end date when changing NCE subscription renewal settings:

  1. Navigate to one of your organisations' Microsoft 365 service subscriptions list.

  2. Find the subscription you need, and click ActionsRenewals to manage NCE subscription renewal.

  3. In the Renewals window, find the End Date Alignment dropdown:

  4. Select one of the alignment options.

  5. At renewal, this subscription end date will be aligned according to the specified date.

End Date Alignment via API

You can set an aligned end date via API when creating a subscription. Additionally, you cat get a list of eligible dates for alignment.

  • Brokers can set custom end dates using new fields “customTermEndDate“ (ISO8601 format, e.g."2022-02-19T00:00:00Z") and AlignWithCalendarMonth (bool) to API model for Create NCE Subscriptions POST call

  • Brokers can GET possible CustomTermEndDate values for an organization from /api/resellers/{resellerId}/organizations/{organizationId}/services/csp/nce/subscriptions/alignmentdates It should go through organization subscriptions and find terms and create a list of possible alignement dates per term.

API request parameters and response types plus various examples are available from Swagger UI .